Anti-Static Hand-Laced Plywood Handle Heavy Duty Scratch Brush with 4 x 7 Rows of Hog Bristle
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Heavy-duty toothbrush-style brush with anti-static hog bristle and a static-neutral plywood handle in a curved design for knuckle protection. This large scrubber brush is ideal for cleaning larger areas. The hog bristle, hand-laced with stainless steel wire, remains secure even in wet environments if the wooden handle expands or contracts. Hand-laced brushes are the premium brushes in the industry. Each fill tuft is tied into position by hand, resulting in a superior quality brush with maximum fiber retention. Greater bristle density than staple set brushes. This useful brush has a 4 x 7 row configuration, with a 3/4" trim, and a brush face of 1-5/8" x 7/8". Handle length is 8-1/2" x 1".