Flux-Off No Clean Plus - $179.32
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Flux-Off No Clean Plus

SKU: ES196
You Pay $179.32
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Product Highlights
Flux-Off No Clean Plus Flux Remover (1 gal) is an extra strength solvent that removes heavy and encrusted flux deposits. This high pressure aerosol or bulk liquid penetrates quickly to remove all types of flux\, oxide particles\, dust\, grease and oil\, then evaporates quickly leaving no residues. - Removes all types of encrusted\, baked on flux - Extra cleaning strength - Flammable - Dries fast - Leaves no residue - All-Way Spray valve - even sprays upside down - Available with BrushClean System - Removes all types of rosin-based and synthetic no-clean fluxes - Minimizes white residue formation