CircuitWorks Lead-Free Flux Remover Pen - $23.62
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CircuitWorks Lead-Free Flux Remover Pen

SKU: CW9400
You Pay $23.62
Lead Time
2-3 Weeks for non-stocked items
Product Highlights
CircuitWorks Lead-Free Flux Remover Pen (9 g pen) is designed specifically to remove flux used in Lead-Free applications. The Lead-Free Flux Remover Pen quickly cleans type R\, RMA\, and RA rosin flux residues as well as No Clean Fluxes containing both organic and synthetic no clean fluxes. - Completely removes lead free flux residues in seconds - Can also be used to remove Tin/Lead fluxes - Marker dispenser provides controlled and exact application - Dries fast - RoHS Compliant