CircuitWorks Nickel Conductive Pen - $22.97
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CircuitWorks Nickel Conductive Pen

SKU: CW2000
You Pay $22.02
Lead Time
2-3 Weeks for non-stocked items
Product Highlights
CircuitWorks Nickel Conductive Pen (8.5 g pen) is used in prototype\, rework\, and repair of circuits and EMF shielding by linking components\, repairing defective traces\, and making smooth jumpers. This engineered nickel coating offers good electrical and thermal conductivity. - Quickly creates conductive nickel traces - Easy and economical to use - Valve pen tip for easy applications - Good electrical conductivity - Dries in minutes at room temperature - Solderless linking of components - EMI Shielding and grounding - Quick Prototype Modification