Chemtronics Micropoint Cottontip Swabs
SKU: CCT2425
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Product Highlights
The Cottontips MicroPoint Cotton Swab (25 swabs) consists of cotton fibers which are tightly wrapped around a handle. The handle of this swab is made from a special\, clean room grade composite material. Because of the tightly wrapped head\, there is very little linting. These cotton swabs have excellent absorbency\, as well as high strength especially when saturated with water. This swab is designed for cleaning applications where absorbency is critical. - Cleaning surfaces\, removing flux residues\, removing contaminants - Applying oils\, adhesives\, fluxes and lubricants - Tightly wrapped cotton head construction - Small size for delicate precision cleaning - Extremely low linting - High absorbency capacity and rate - Good solvent compatibility - Sharp point - Non-static generating